Sabtu, 12 April 2014

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A constant is a numeric type or non numeric type.It can be a number, character or a character 
string that can be used as a value  in a program.As the name implies, the value of a constant 
cannot be modified. A constant is immutable.Numeric data is primarily made up of numbers and 
can include decimal points.non numeric data may be composed of numbers,letters,blanks and any 
special characters supported by the system. In other words, non numeric data consists of 
alphanumeric characters,A non numeric data can be called as a literal.Constant are characterized 
by having a value and type.

Numeric constant of three types :

  • integer constant,
  • floating_point constant,
  • character constant. 
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Stack operations

Jumat, 11 April 2014

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/*Program to impelement stack operations
compiler- Turbo c++     author- Mangilal Sharma
#include <process.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#define max 5

class stack
 int stack_arr[max],top,choice;
 void push();
 void pop();
 void display();

void stack::push()
 int item;
 if (max==top)
  cout<<"Stack is Overflow

              Insert the element for adding in Stack: ";


void stack::pop()
 if (top==0)
  cout<<"stack is Underflow

  cout<<"Element poped from Stack is "<<stack_arr[top];

void stack::display()
 int i;
 cout<<"Stack is Empty

  cout<<"Stack is:




  cout<<" 1. To Push an Element

  cout<<" 2. To Pop an Element

  cout<<" 3. To Display the Elements

  cout<<" 4. Main Page

  cout<<" 5. To Exit from Programme

Enter Your Choice= ";

   case 1:
   case 2:
   case 3:
   case 4:
   case 5:
Wrong Choice, Enter Again

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Obtain A Free Criminal Record Check

Kamis, 10 April 2014

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By Wilfred Griffin

Individuals who would like to investigate the background of the potential employee, a prospective roommate, spouse or partner may go online to acquire a download court records check. Make sure of various websites gain access to this info.

Website traffic checks give you the history of the person and any charges that this person has already established in the past, this information is critical to a variety of situations. The truth is, these criminal check background documents are typically used in situations where the person has to handle money. By doing the setting checks ahead of time, the business will not be subjected to theft and also other activities that causes the corporation to be responsible for a lawsuit etc

The center name and birth date or physical address is additionally helpful to have and using when receiving a criminal record check. It will be possible to view if the person has any convictions on their own record when youre getting these checks done. Some websites requires money to get paid win to understand the complete background of the baby. This really is entirely your decision about just how much data or information you want to accrue from case to case or persons showcased.

You must look for CRA list on the web site which is normally divided into various categories such occupation, credit profile, renting, insurance and the like. Note that you could dispute the information you will get from CRA file when you obtain it. For potential romantic partners or roommates, you may use any service if you want to test their police arrest records or use a legal method. Easy and simple and many affordable way to check on criminal background would be to employ a professional service provider. These service providers are located easily online although you ought to know of scam companies. Search around online for a number of companies to ensure you can discover the normal price for criminal record check and get away from those companies who will be excessive or way too low.

When you have the required time and you would like to save some money, you should check criminal backgrounds records for yourself from the internet. The beauty of accomplishing this is that youll be capable of acquire other information that person that is beneficial such as habits and character which a professional may not dig. These sites for checking background records comb Facebook, Google along with other web information regarding you which of them you might have shared. Search could share other things of a person that might cause you to be think hard. It is however limited in that you cant find very important details in the event the person has not shared them such as arrest history before.

Ahead of the business proprietor or their representatives selects a niche site, they must be sure which they appreciate how these websites work and the ways to receive the data that they requirement of download. Because some sites are simple to understand and make use of, the disposable criminal checks are typically easily obtain in a timely manner. Alternatively, if the sites usually are not an easy task to navigate thru nor understand, the corporation representative should choose another site to obtain the information that is required. Regardless of the situation, it is necessary for each and every company to review numerous sites before you make the best decision.

About the Author:

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BASIC and iPhone

Rabu, 09 April 2014

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Well, my post the other day about the iPhone wasnt about BASIC programming, but now that Ive had a chance to think about it this new device does have some implications. One interesting thing about iPhones introduction is that nothing was mentioned about development tools. This is a little bit of a contradiction since the iPhone runs Apples OS X, a full blown Unix operating system. Since this new device is more computer than phone you would expect there to be some way to at least customize it by installing software, or perhaps by scripting. This would also make it easier to justify spending $500. On the other hand you must be a Cingular customer. Hmmm. :-/

It would be great if Apple decides to support this. Imagine Liberty BASIC on the iPhone! If software installation isnt a feature of the iPhone at least you will be able to run our web BASIC on it using the Safari web browser since youll have an always-on internet connection. :-)
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Advantages Using Disk Partition Software

Selasa, 08 April 2014

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By Cornelia White

Many reasons exist for the need to use disk partition software. The programs available to use on laptops and desktop computers allow individuals to do many things. One aspect of a partitioning program is the option to install more than one operating system. Another benefit is being able to keep data secured and to download up valuable space on the standard hard drive.

There are numerous utilities that could be utilized to clean up the hard drive on a workstation framework. Be that as it may, the utilization of particular projects offers numerous methods for performing different activities. Anybody pondering about the correct approach to do this can effectively figure out. The most ideal approach for looking into accessible systems is to see the sum of the alternatives accessible on the Internet.

Another way to learn about using partitioning programs is to search for online guides. Most websites in a hard drive category have information that can be useful. The best thing about a guide is it can allow a person to easily go from step to step. This means a once hard process is now easy for people to do for a bloated system. One thing to keep in mind is proper preparation.

The most vital perspective about dividing a hard drive is to move down existing information. This will mean any immensely essential documents that are spared on a framework need to be replicated to blaze drive or other media. Nobody should take the risk of losing all their information if there is an issue with the methodology. Being ready once the methodology starts is never an awful thought.

One of the most ideal routes for anybody to move down the information that is on their Pc framework is to utilize programs that computerize the procedure. In the event that this is not an alternative, then indexes can effectively be duplicated physically. There are strengths for a dividing project which incorporates a reinforcement emphasize that might be discovered on the web. Look into the sum of the alternatives that are at present accessible.

An alternate paramount venture to recollect when forming a hard drive is to make a boot disc. This is the point at which a CD is utilized to begin up a PC if the working framework does not react. The principle explanation for why that boot circles are essential is to have an approach to restart the establishment of the working framework. A boot CD offers different profits that are not dependably seen.

The very first thing to do when a partitioning program has been purchased is to read the manual and all the included instructions. This will ensure the program is set up properly and any issues that are seen in the program are not a surprise. Most programs offer step by step help, but reading the manual is often a good way to avoid any issues.

There are numerous emphasizes that are incorporated with disk partition software. One thing to remember about the characteristics will be to make certain the existing disk drive has been cleaned. This means evacuating any sorts of indexes that are old or are no more vital.

About the Author:

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Character Pyramid Program

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Q. Write a C program to print the following character pyramid C program:




Cross-reference: Before you read answer of above program i recommend to read Number Pyramid Program for easily understand this program. 

/*c program for character pyramid*/
int main()

 char ch=D,n,c,r,t;
 for(r=A; r<=ch; r++,n--)
  if(r==B || r==D)
    for(c=A,t=C; c<=n; c++,t++)
      if(c==C && r==B)
    for(c=A; c<=n; c++)
        printf("%c", c);

 return 0;

The output of above program would be:

Output of character pyramid C program
Figure: Screen shot for character pyramid C program

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Low Level Language

Senin, 07 April 2014

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LLL is stand for Low Level Language. These language also known Machine Language. Definition and some Basic features of low level Language is as following:
  • The language whose design is governed by the circuitry and the structure of the machine is known as Machine Language.
  •  These language is difficult to learn and use.
  • These language is machine-dependent.
  • In these type language program execution is faster compere high level language because code is directed accepted by the machine, no needs to translator.
  • Example of Low level Language is the Assembly Language.
Learn also:
  1. What is High Level Language?
  2. Why C is called Middle Level Language?
  3. What is the use of C programs in real life?
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Minggu, 06 April 2014

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A C Program to Print          

void main()
int i,j,k,n;
printf(" ");

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Run BASIC Two Weeks Report

Jumat, 04 April 2014

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Well, Run BASIC ( has been online now for slightly more than 2 weeks. Weve had more than 1500 unique visitors.

There have been a handful of server crashes in that period and numerous bugfixes. A few of these fixes are related to stability of the server but most are new features or fixes in the compiler or runtime system. This is a very good thing since most of this stuff feeds directly into the Liberty BASIC v5.0 effort. In essence this is a kind of alpha testing for LB5.

The community has responded nicely by creating a Run BASIC section on the Liberty BASIC Conforums site and by putting up a wiki. People have been busy creating programs that run under Run BASIC. Thanks to all of you for that.

Where are we headed with this? We have just started work on a Run BASIC personal edition. This will be a special version of the software that you can install on your own computer. Windows, Mac and Linux will all be supported. The user interface for this will still be web based, but it will be more of an IDE style setup. Our idea is that you can use this system to host a web site and share programs that you write as links on a home page. We are thinking a license for this system will cost $20 to $30.

Once the personal system is launched, we plan to create an educational system for instructors. Each student can have an account, and they can work through their lessons in their browsers whether at home, at school, or wherever they can access the server by means of the internet. Access to student work will be managed for the instructor automatically. Well develop these ideas more later on.
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The Witcher

Senin, 31 Maret 2014

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Dont be afraid of change. Even though The Witcher may scare off some people with inventive combat that replaces comfortable old rapid-fire clicking with rhythmic sword swinging, there is no need to avoid one of the deepest, most adult role-playing games to hit the PC in years. Polish developer CD Projekt has crafted one of those landmark games that moves the goalposts for everybody, a truly grown-up take on swords and sorcery that breaks just about every fantasy tradition in the book. Once you experience a grimy medieval world so realistic that you can practically smell it, quests that reject simplistic good and evil for ambiguous "decisions and consequences," and, yes, newfangled battle mechanics that add welcome twists to left-click scrapping, youll find it awfully hard to go back to the usual D&D rip-off.

Built on a 2007 edition of the Aurora Engine that powers Neverwinter Nights, The Witcher is something of a cross between action RPGs such as Diablo and more complex plate-mail potboilers such as Neverwinter Nights. Essentially, the developers work both sides of the street. On the one hand, you have exactly one character choice in the form of greasy-haired Geralt of Rivia, the monster-hunting mercenary "witcher" of the title, along with other ostensibly dumbed-down features such as big bunches of combat and Gatling-gun-quick leveling up. But on the other hand, you also get a postwar fantasy world called Temeria that feels lived in (if not postapocalyptic), as well as plot points that involve serious moral choices. Story and setting have been borrowed from The Last Wish, a Polish fantasy novel published way back in 1990 by Andrzej Sapkowski, and for once such an adaptation has been pulled off successfully.

Although there is a fair bit of saving-the-world RPG claptrap involving a powerful evil mage and a mysterious group called the Salamanders, you deal with a lot of lowlifes. Woman-hating religious fanatics; merchants who deal in abducted children; slatternly bar wenches wholl bed down with you for a bottle of wine; witches who sell poison and play with voodoo dolls; racists who openly hate nonhumans and threaten to kill elves and dwarves. Make no mistake: Although there are a lot of traditional, Gygaxian monsters on the prowl here--barghests, wargs, ghouls, drowned undead, vampires, wraiths, wyverns, and loads of different demons--the biggest enemy that Geralt faces is always his fellow humans. Youre not much of a hero, either. Requests for assistance can be turned down. Money is always a factor, even when you decide to be a good guy and lend a helping hand. And you have no problem taking advantage of just about every woman you encounter, having pre-marital relations with a handful of babes in every act of the game despite apparently being in love with one of your fellow witchers.

It shouldnt be much of a surprise that the line between good and evil here isnt a very thick one. Everything is a murky gray. The first act is simply astonishing in how it plays out. You start off trying to track down the bad guys who raided your witcher fortress and killed one of your pals, but soon get involved in a feud that pits the religious leader and nobles of a hamlet against a witch. However, nobodys hands are clean. One merchant you deal with is in cahoots with the evil cult youre hunting. A guard you help with a ghoul problem turns out to be a rapist. The village priest youre helping cleanse the region of a demonic dog called "the Beast" is actually a misogynistic lunatic. And the witch isnt much better, given that shes sold poison used in a suicide and employed a voodoo doll to make one of the local bigwigs kill his brother. By the end of the act, in a showdown complete with burning torches and pitchforks, youre forced to choose between the woman-hating, rape-loving, cult-affiliated mob and the murdering witch. It makes the most sense to side with the witch because the villagers are an awfully sleazy lot, but doing so forces you to slaughter virtually all of them and leave their town burned to the ground.

So no, The Witcher sure isnt all sunshine and lollipops. But even though you might need a few Prozac pills to handle the games bleak tone, the story becomes incredibly compelling when you have so much riding on your actions. Characters seem like real people, not the good-evil-neutral triad of stereotypes that populate most fantasy games. Only a few aspects of the story and setting remind you that youre just playing a game.

A lot of this is probably due to poor translation from the original Polish. Dialogue seems truncated in many spots, which leaves you in the dark as to character motivations. You know something important has just taken place, and the interface clearly points out what youre supposed to be doing, but the big picture doesnt completely come together.

Swearing and bizarre word choices are another issue. One moment youre cruising along listening to fairly standard RPG conversations, and then youre hit with out-of-the-blue modern slang and "F" bombs. Its pretty jarring to hear the leader of your witcher band calling a female team member "babe," let alone to hear Geralt disgustingly grunt "Abso-f***ing-lutely!" Voice acting often lacks authority as well, which highlights these strange lines. Fellow adventurers look like grizzled warriors but sound more like high schoolers. The actor who voices Geralt tries too hard, like a kid attempting a deep, gravelly voice so he can fool the counter jockey at the corner store into selling him a six-pack. Likewise, the youngest member of your group has all the gravitas of Potsie Weber (for a reason, it soon turns out).

Interactions between the sexes are also risqué in a corny way that would rev up only Beavis and Butthead. Its ridiculous enough that the side quests in every act let Geralt get horizontal with virtually every woman he meets, but its just pathetic that each conquest is rewarded with a playing card that depicts the lovely lass in a come-hither pose. There isnt even any real payoff with these pics, either, given that the nudity that appeared in the European version of the game has been censored due to prudish Stateside sensibilities. (Thank you, Hot Coffee controversy.) At any rate, the sex is ludicrous and out of place, and is apparently there only to give game geeks hope that a fellow guy with lanky, unwashed hair and corpse-pale skin can score with hot babes.

The games mechanics are a little more reserved, although CD Projekt has tried to slightly jazz up everything that fantasy gamers take for granted. Combat mechanics are the biggest change. Instead of the traditional left-click attacks employed by virtually every other real-time RPG this side of the cult-hit Gothic series, melee fighting here is based on give-and-take combos. You click once on an enemy to begin an attack sequence, then click again precisely when the sword-swinging ends to begin a second flourish, and then again and again to string together combos. Miss your moment at any point and its back to square one.

This sounds pretty simple, but it doesnt work so well at the beginning. The game starts with few unhelpful tips on how to fight on all three difficulty settings, and on hard there is no obvious visual feedback indicating when to click again to link a second attack to your first. Youre supposed to take click cues from a twirling sound and visual indicators like a flaming sword slash, but this information is buried more than 20 pages into the manual. In order to figure things out from a hands-on perspective, you need to play on easy or medium difficulty, which removes all doubt about when to click by turning the combat icon into a flaming sword. Then you pretty quickly pick up on the visual and audio cues provided during Geralts actual fighting. When you do get used to things and want to try a more challenging difficulty setting, however, as both easy and medium are a little elementary at times (aside from some of the boss battles), you have to restart the game. Still, even with the poor introduction, its hard not to love the combat system. Battles are only a little more involved than the standard clickfest stuff, yet the mechanics always make you think about what youre doing and provide real satisfaction when you take out tough foes. Attacks also simply look cool, especially when youre jumping around slinging your sword in all directions in the middle of a pack of monsters.

Three different fighting styles as well as a skill system with more listings than the Manhattan yellow pages add to the cerebral workout. You can change your battle stance between fast, strong, and group, each of which makes you better able to handle speedy, muscular, and gangs of enemies, respectively (the last of which lets you make sweeping swings that hit multiple bad guys at once). The one catch is that these styles can be employed only while wielding witcher steel or silver swords, which makes a lot of the other weapons that you find during the course of the game pretty much useless. Each style can also be tweaked with the talent points earned every time that you level up (which happens early and often; expect to cruise beyond level 30 before wrapping Geralts adventures). All of your other characteristics can also be upgraded, from your attributes to your abilities with both types of witcher sword, as well as your aptitude for the signs that make up the games spellcasting component.

Every category has five levels, and each sports four different related skills. For example, you get started in strength by taking the basic level-one ability to buff attacks and then move on to specific proficiencies such as Cut at the Jugular, which increases enemy bleeding damage after successful attacks, or Bloody Rage, which boosts damage done by 40 percent whenever your vitality dips below 15 percent. CD Projekt even shows a bit of a sense of humor with some skills. For instance, buzz means that your attacks are improved when drunk. The only negative with the skill system is that it seems to force you into a jack-of-all-trades configuration where youre talented as both a warrior and a spellcaster. Consequently, players who like to hardcore specialize in a class are out of luck here.

At any rate, magic isnt actually as big a deal here as it is in most other fantasy RPGs. The five signs featured are fairly generic takes on the elements and the basic D&D schools of magic that let you blast off fireballs, charm enemies, set up protective globes, and that sort of thing. Basically, the signs just give you alternate attacks with the right mouse button. More mystical depth is provided by alchemy. Witchers are notoriously good with magical concoctions, and as such Geralt can acquire various recipes that let him brew up potions and oils that heal, enhance weapons, and so forth. It actually seems as if youre really cooking something up, too, because you have to meditate before an open fire (you level up and assign talent points in the same fashion). However, as with most of these brew-your-own systems in RPGs, you dont have to get too involved with the creation of your own noxious chemicals, aside from the odd quest that makes doing so a key part of fulfilling an objective.

As you might expect from the grim moments catalogued above, The Witcher is pretty dour when it comes to look and sound. The Aurora Engine has never looked better, and its hard to believe that this thing dates back to Neverwinter Nights in 2002. Landscapes are generally gorgeous, and the characters are all distinctive (if a bit cartoonish), but the graphics deal in awfully bleak scenery. Many stone buildings in the game are either run-down or falling down. Villages consist of ramshackle huts constructed with wattle and daub and topped with straw roofs. Skies always seem to be a dim steel gray, and rain pours down pretty much every other day. NPCs are filthy, and often come with various scars and minor disfigurements. There are two main camera angles, over-the-shoulder and isometric, although the former is the best choice because it provides the best perspective on everything. The controls are smooth even close-up.

Audio effects and music are perfect counterparts to the look of this shattered world. Little kids skip around while talking about death and playing crude pranks like pissing in the dwarfs bellows. Women can be overheard setting up assignations with their lovers. And all of this is surrounded with subtle, creepy tunes loaded with offbeat tones and sparse organ notes. The superb soundtrack is particularly effective at night; the gothic organ plinking under the moonlight makes you shiver like someone just walked over your grave.

Memorable story, immersive combat, fascinating characters--whats not to like? A few fit-and-finish issues mean that The Witcher isnt quite an all-time classic RPG. Regardless, its awfully, awfully close, warts and all, and it provides a new benchmark for future developers that are looking to lift their games out of the done-to-death elf-and-orc ghetto.

By Brett Todd, GameSpot
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Wii Outlook good

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

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Wii review coming soon, I have thought of a title for it and I have started writing some rough drafts in my head. I managed to get the Legend of Zelda and it is very good. I am going to film some footage this weekend hopefully and put it on Youtube. However, I need to make a quick post about the games out look for the Wii. It looked a, well, a little drab. With Metroid looking like the only decent title coming out any time soon. However, both SSX and the Godfather got very positive previews on GS. You can read them here:
Stay tuned for more news. Also, Wario Ware received a very good review which surprised me as it looked a little tacky. You can read the review here.
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Apple MacBook Air 11 6 inch Review

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

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Apple is known for pushing boundaries. Sometimes its a cutting-edge industrial design, sometimes its new technology and sometimes a new standard. When the MacBook Air was originally introduced, it was all three. Growing less unique with the netbook craze, Apple was forced to rethink thin. Did they succeed?

Apple MacBook Air (11.6-inch) Review
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Automate your work with Autohotkey

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

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Autohotkey is a free and powerful tool that allows you to automate almost anything on your Windows computer in any program. Computer Hope uses this tool daily to help answer common questions asked in e-mail quickly and perform other common repetitive tasks. If you do anything daily that requires you to repeat the same actions, we highly recommend using this tool. This page demonstrates some of this programs capabilities.
Caution: This tool can be used to automate tasks in gaming, some online games may consider this cheating and if caught it may result in a ban.
If you want to follow along with this documents examples, please download and install Autohotkeybefore following any of the below steps. Otherwise, skim this document for a better understanding of the program before downloading and installing it on your computer.
Edit Autohotkey scriptEdit the script
After Autohotkey is installed to create and edit a script right-click anywhere on the Desktop or folder, click New, and chooseAutoHotkey script. Name the script whatever you want and then right-click the script file and choose Edit the script.
Tip: If you plan on always using the same scripts you can also load AutoHotkey at startup, right-click the AutoHotkey icon (Autohotkey systray or notification area icon) in the Windows notification area, and click Edit this script. The default script (AutoHotkey.ahk) will open in your default text editor and allow you to add or change your own scripts. Each time Autohotkey loads when your computer starts this default script will load this script.
Script basics
Each script in Autohotkey can also be assigned a keyword (hotstring) or a personalized keyboard shortcut key. When using a keyboard shortcut any shortcut can be used as long as Windows has not already assigned those keys to another task. Each shortcut key can be comprised of the Windows key represented as a "#", an Alt key represented as a "!", a Ctrl represented as a "^", and any other letters, numbers, or other keys on the keyboard followed by two colons (::).
Autohotkey includes two example scripts, the first one (shown below) will open the Autohotkey web page when you press the Windows Key and Z at the same time. Which can be done now if you have Autohotkey installed and the default autohotkey.ahk loaded. Otherwise, this line can be added to a new script, saved, and ran to allow this shortcut to work.
Most scripts will be more than one line. However, in the above example it is only one line and needs no additional commands. In the below script example, the script has multiple lines, and as can be seen must be finalized with the "return" command to prevent anything below this script from being executed.
IfWinExist Untitled - Notepad
Run Notepad
The above script starts with the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + n, the next four lines are an if elsecommand, which in English translate to "if an untitled Notepad window exists then make that window active, else run a new Notepad."
Creating your first script
With your basic understanding of how this program works lets create your first script to print "Hello World!" anywhere you want. Move the cursor to the end of your new script file or the default Autohotkey.ahk script file and add the below line.
::Hello::Hello World{!} This is my first script. ;Example comment
In this first example, we are not using a shortcut, only the keyword "hello" to execute the script. Also, because "!" is a modifier key command for the Alt key it has been surrounded by curly brackets, which indicates the key, not a command. Finally, this script also contains a comment at the end, which is anything followed by a semicolon. All comments are ignored and used to help explain the code in the script.
Any time you make any changes to a script it must be reloaded or run in order for those changes to work.
To load the script double-click the script file or right-click the script file and choose Run Script. If youre editing the default autohotkey.ahk and Autohotkey is running reload the script by right-click on the Autohotkey icon (Autohotkey systray or notification area icon) in the Windows notification area and choose the Reload This Script option.
Once the script has been loaded you should be able to type "hello" in the below text box and after pressing space or any punctuation the script type out "Hello World! This is my first script."
Tip: If you dont want to have to press the space or punctuation you can add an asterisk between the two first colons.
Next, in the below example we are creating a script that is executed with a shortcut key. Edit the script and add the below three lines to your script.
send Hello World{!}
After these three lines have been created save the file as the same file name and then reload the script. If done successfully you should be able to click in the below text box and press the Windows Key + the F2 function key at the top of the keyboard to print Hello World!
In addition to sending text any shortcut keys can also be added, data can be copied to and from the clipboard, and the script can sleep for any amount of time. Edit the script again and make the below changes to the script created earlier.
send Hello World{!}
example = %clipboard%
sleep, 1000
send, - new hello = %example%
In the above example, lines three and four have introduced how keys can be pressed in the script to perform other keyboard shortcuts. The third line this is pressing Ctrl+Shift+Home to highlight all text before the cursor, and the next line is pressing Ctrl+C to copy the highlighted text. Anytime a key is pressed down (e.g. {CTRLDOWN}) make sure it is let go with up (e.g. {CTRLUP}), otherwise it will remain down and cause problems.
The fourth line introduces a variable and the %clipboard% command which contains anything in yourclipboard. With this line, all contents in the clipboard are assigned to the "example" variable.
The next command is making the example variable all uppercase by using the StringUpper command and assigning the uppercase text back to the example variable. The StringLower command could also be used to make everything lowercase.
Next, the sleep command is a great command for making the script sleep for any length of time. 1000 is equal to 1 second. This command is useful and often necessary if the script has to wait for the computer to open a program or window.
Finally, the last send command will add " - new hello =" with the hello world now all in uppercase. This revised version of the script can be tested again in the below text box.
Scripting the mouse
Window spyAlthough almost anything can be done using keyboard shortcuts, there are still times you may want to click somewhere on the screen. Using the click command you can click on any location of the screen as shown in the below example. To determine what the location of where you want to click use the Window Spy utility that can be opened by right-clicking the Autohotkey icon (Autohotkey systray or notification area icon) and clicking Window Spy. As you move your mouse, the "In Active Window" will display the location of your mouse cursors current position. Once youve determined where you want to click add the Click command with the location of where you want the mouse to click.
Click 980,381
With this command once the Windows key + F2 is pressed the mouse will click once at 980,381.
Run a program
If there is a program you run often, opening a program in a script can be as simple as typing run and the name of the file you want to run. Earlier in this document we gave an example of how to run Notepad by typing "run notepad" in the script. If youre familiar with the Windows Run, many of the same commands and ways you run a program or open a file will work in AutoHotkey. Below are some additional examples of what the run command can do in AutoHotkey.
Run, wordpad.exe, C:My Documents, max
In the first example, this would open WordPad with the default directory C:My Document, and open the window maximized.
Any Internet URL can be added after the run command to open that web page in your default browser.
Run, Subject&body=Hello this is a body example.
Finally, this is yet one other example of the run command, which is sending an e-mail using your default e-mail client and sending the e-mail to with the subject "My Subject" and the body of the message having "Hello this is a body example."
Using variables
Like other programming and scripting languages, AutoHotkey supports the use of variables in the script. As seen earlier, we demonstrated copying the clipboard contents to a variable. A variable in AutoHotkey can be either a string or an integer and does not need to be declared like other programming languages.
In our first example, we will be using an integer variable to add two numbers together and display the results in a message box.
example := 5+5
msgbox, Example is equal to %example%
Autohotkey msgboxIn the above example, "example" is our variable name, := is assigning the integer expression as the value of 5+5 (10). Once the variable has been assigned we are using the msgbox command to open a message box and print its value. Whenever you are sending, printing, or assigning a variable it must begin and end with a percent symbol. After saving and reloading the above script when pressing Windows key + F2 you should see a message box similar to the example shown on this page.
In the next example we are assigning the variable a string value and again having the results displayed in a message box.
example := "Nathan"
msgbox, Hello World! My name is %example%
In the above example we are assigning the example variable to "Nathan" and because it is a string itmust be surrounded in quotes. When pressing the Windows key + F2 this time the script will open a message box saying "Hello World! My name is Nathan"
If you wanted to have a variable with a string and an integer you can have an expression outside the quotes, as seen in the below example.
example := "Example: " 5+5
msgbox, Mixed variable is %example%
When executed, the message box will display "Mixed variable is Example: 10"
Conditional statements
Conditional statements are also supported with AutoHotkey and support the operators and (&&), or (||), and not (!). Below are a few examples of how conditional statements can be used.
example := 5
if example = 5
msgbox, true
msgbox, false
In the above example, the variable is assigned a value of 5 and the conditional statement checks to see if the example is equal to 5 because this is true the msgbox will print true. If the example value was not equal to 5, the msgbox would have returned false.
You would think after seeing the first conditional statement example that you could put quotes around a string in the variable and conditional statement; however, this will not work. If you want to match a string, surround your expression with parentheses as shown in the below example.
example := "computer"
if (example = "hope")
msgbox, true
msgbox, false
In the above example, if the example variable is equal to hope, print true, otherwise print false. Because the example variable has been assigned as "computer" this script will return false.
Creating a loop
If there is a script that you want repeat, place the script into a loop, as seen in the below example script.
loop, 5
send Hello World{!}
sleep 300
Once the above script has been added and the script has been re-loaded or ran you should be able to click in the below text box and press the Windows key + F2 to print Hello World! five times. The loop can be extended to repeat as many times as you want.
Regular expressions
Like many other scripting languages AutoHotkey also supports the use of regular expressions (Regex), which allows you to replace any text within a string with other text. This is useful for times you may want to change the formatting of text or remove unnecessary data within a string.
example := "support@tipsandtricksforfree"
example:= RegExReplace(example, "@.*", "")
msgbox, Username is %example%
In this above example, the third line with RegExReplace will replace the @ and everything after it with nothing making the example variable only show the username account of the e-mail address. When Windows key + F2 is pressed the message box will display "Username is support".
Additional information
Although this page contains dozens of examples there are hundreds of other commands that are not covered. Visit the Autohotkey dictionary for a full listing of available Autohotkey commands.
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Dalmatian dressup

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

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Dalmatian dressup
Dress up this little Dalmatian puppy. Choose all the clothes and accessories for this doggy find something that makes him happy.

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Best hacking program ever !!

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Today we are going to discuss about the best hacking tool ever..

Its non other than Backtrack 5 R3..

It has hundreds of genuine hacking tools that include :-
Aircrack -ng
Airmon -ng
Social engineering toolkit
Reverse engineering
Data exploit kit
MySQL hacking 

And much more..!!!!!!

You can download backtrack from its official website..

Note!! : Dont forget to see that your system is 32 bits or 64 bits.....
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Add Search form to Blogger Beta Template

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

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At first Adding search form to blogger was difficult but now Blogger Accessories has made it easier. We can add search form to blogger in three method . But in this post I am going to concentrate only on Adding custom search form . Custom search form means you can modify the search form look by adding simple CSS style.

  this is the screenshot of  Search Form Widget

Step 1 : Log in to your blogger template and go to Layout section .

 Adding search Form Widget to Blogger Beta : Layout Image

Step 2 : Now click Add Page Element , in the List select Add HTML / JAVASCRIPT and paste the below code thereand save .

Now see your blog , there you can see a beautiful search form widget like this ,

I hope you like this hack . you can also add custom search submit buttom , background , etc.

I will tell you How to add Custom CSS to this search Form tomorrow in my next post .

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Deep Freeze 6 61 Features Full Windows 7 Compatibility

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

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Deep Freeze 6.61 Features Full Windows 7 Compatibility

Faronics announce that Deep Freeze 6.61, the latest version of their flagship system integrity software, is now available.

This Deep Freeze release features full support for Windows 7, Microsoft’s latest operating system. Over seven million customers who have come to rely on Deep Freeze’s bulletproof protection can now upgrade to Windows 7 with complete confidence. This
timely launch of Deep Freeze demonstrates Faronics’ commitment to delivering up-to-date desktop security while reducing computer support costs.

Deep Freeze offers the strongest protection available and eliminates the need for IT professionals to perform rebuilds, re-image, or troubleshoot computers—reducing support incidents up to 63%. IT administrators are able to map user accounts individually or by user type to an unprotected partition or a Thawspace to retain user documents, pictures, movies, bookmarks and other data between protected sessions.
IT administrators of Windows deployments are already familiar with Deep Freeze’s patented technology that guarantees 100% workstation availability and eliminates unwanted system changes between user sessions.  Users who are protected by Deep Freeze are able to enjoy a clean and consistent session each and every time.
Camosun College is planning to upgrade to Windows 7 over the next while so we were happy to see Faronics is fully supporting Windows 7 with Deep Freeze,” said Rob Peressini, Client Services Manager for Camosun College.
With the number and complexity of system threats escalating, organizations are increasingly willing to invest in inclusive solutions to safeguard their IT resources. A workstation protection solution like Deep Freeze, together with the aid of Faronics’  application whitelisting software, Anti-Executable, can help organizations achieve a comprehensive layered security approach to protect their IT environment. Download Deep Freeze for Windows or Mac OS X platforms.
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Romantic Costumes

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

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Romantic Costumes
당신은 패션 중독자를 다시하고 자신의 패션 스타일을 만들 수 기다릴 수있다면,이 장소는 당신을 위해 단지이다.당신은 무수한 전통 의상, 스포츠 소송뿐만 아니라 다른 여러 가끔 옷을 찾아 볼게.가장 예쁜 스타일을 한 예쁜 소녀와 소년이 드레스를 선택합니다.

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GodsWar Online

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

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Free to play and download

This week I start to play new MMO – GodsWar Online. GWO is a cute-looking 3D MMORPG by IGG. It is based on ancient Greek mythology.
GodsWar Online screenshotGodsWar Online screenshot

GodsWar Online has four classes – Warrior, Champion, Priest and Mage. Warriors use sword and shield. They are experts in the close fight. Champions use spear. They are attack oriented characters. Priests are the party’s healers. Mages – the standard mage character dealing large amount of damage.

Character creation video

The gameplay of GWO is a lot alike many other 3D mmorpg – it uses standard point and click for movements and fight. GodsWar Online is relatively fast and easy for leveling up.
GodsWar Online has auto attack mode(F12) so players can skip the boring leveling up or long quests. A character becomes a killing machine with the auto attack settings.
GWO has two factions – Sparta and Athens.

GodsWar Online screenshot
The game has many quests. Right from the beginning, the quests are the best way for earning experience and leveling up.
GodsWar Online screenshot

The beginning

What I don’t like
I don’t like the 45 degree visual angle. I prefer to have more freedom and I don’t like the 2D style that much.
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