How VoIP Works

Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

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VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, indicating the ability to carry vocals over the internet. Many businesses and homes are switching to VoIP softphones because the price is significantly lower. These lower costs are great, and just knowing that VoIP really can help you save might be enough, but for those inquiring minds out there here is brief introduction to how VoIP works.

VoIP internet telephoneVoIP technology takes advantage of existing data networks to transfer calls letting the Internet do most or all of the work. So by paying for your Internet connection you are already paying for the networking capabilities needed to have a VoIP telephone call. This means that many providers will offer completely free phone calls for calls made from one VoIP caller to another, or PC-to-PC calls, because they are handled entirely "on-line." When you want to call someone on a land-line phone, SIP gateway providers can connect you to a local phone service. The SIP provider uses the web to get your phone call as close to the other caller as possible before connecting to a standard phone line. This virtually eliminates long-distance charges altogether, which is why the rates are so much lower.

Advantages of VoIP
  • VoIP is very scalable, letting you transmit more than one telephone call on the same broadband-connected telephone line, making it easy to add extra telephone lines
  • Because VoIP is location independent, you can take your VoIP phone with you wherever you go, provided you are connected to the Internet
  • VoIP reduces the need for dedicated phone wiring and some of the expensive hardware needed for a complete traditional telephony system
Tip: When choosing a provider, it is usually better to pick one who offers service specifically in your area. If you are calling a particular country a significant amount, choosing a provider from that country can potentially further reduce your costs further.

To learn more about the technical side of VoIP you might to check out the VoIP Demystified Video where the good people at give some more details about how VoIP works and voice information is transferred.
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Shooting high quality video from Panasonic micro four thirds m4 3 uFT bodies … Part 1 – Time and Power

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

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Well, it’s about fricken time Smile

I’ve owned these bodies for half a year and have done precious little in the way of posting on how one can get decent video from these. Well, here I am going to try to change that a bit. I am preparing for a concert that Nick and friends are giving at a local venue towards the end of next month, so I am working with a new set of SD cards.

They are PNY Polaroid 64GB cards with very fast read and write (>40MB/s and >30MB/s respectively.)

They are also very inexpensive for what you get – around 40 bucks at Amazon. So far, I have tested one of them in the GH2 pointed out the window at the garden and it managed 2:16 at >60Mb/s .. nice. That was a very detailed subject and shooting a concert is unlikely to get anywhere near those rates, which means that I will get very good quality for over 3 hours. Exactly what I want.

Note: These are SDXC cards! This means that you need to check your camera’s manual for compatibility with SDXC and with this size of card. I did that, downloading the manuals from the internet (they are all up there) in PDF format. Mine all support 64GB SDXC. Just make sure before you buy.

But what about power you ask? Batteries cannot last more than a couple of hours. And since I want to run the cameras for hours without stopping, I ordered some inexpensive power adapters. So far so good … the GH2 ran without stopping and did not overheat, so I am happy.

GH2, G5, G6

GF3, GF5, GF6

GX1, GF2, G3
I have tested all four and they power the four cameras just fine. However, do note that they are very inexpensive and light, so treat them gently. They need to be kept in a box until used and put right back if they are to give you years of service. Also, definitely make sure that you use gaffer tape to avoid people tripping on them or stepping on the various adapters etc. They won’t survive that. Anyway, here is the setup on my GH2:

Do note that there is a little door for the cord showing on the next image. The GH2 and G5 both have this, which allows them to run with AC power with their battery doors shut. The G6 will have this too, because the cord sticks out the side. But the adapters for the other cams are not like that and they must shoot on AC power with their battery doors ajar. No big deal, since they have to be on a tripod and near a plug, but just be aware of that.

Part 2 will cover the patches I use to improve the video on the hackable bodies …

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Saline Solution Pricing

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

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One of the reasons that I really do think that something needs to be done about health care costs -- and something done by someone who isnt a complete idiot or utterly corrupted (such as Congress and President Obama) is this article from the August 25, 2013 New York Times:
It is one of the most common components of emergency medicine: an intravenous bag of sterile saltwater.
Luckily for anyone who has ever needed an IV bag to replenish lost fluids or to receive medication, it is also one of the least expensive. The average manufacturer’s price, according to government data, has fluctuated in recent years from 44 cents to $1.
Yet there is nothing either cheap or simple about its ultimate cost, as I learned when I tried to trace the commercial path of IV bags from the factory to the veins of more than 100 patients struck by a May 2012 outbreak of food poisoning in upstate New York.
Some of the patients’ bills would later include markups of 100 to 200 times the manufacturer’s price, not counting separate charges for “IV administration.” And on other bills, a bundled charge for “IV therapy” was almost 1,000 times the official cost of the solution.
The article gives a detailed account of trying to figure out why one of the cheapest items in our economy gets priced so absurdly -- and it makes the $500 DOD hammer stories of the 1980s seem positively clear by comparison.  Read it.  I dont know the solution, but I know that there is something pretty silly about the enormous range of prices for medical care.
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7 days Unlimited Tri Net Text for only P50 pesos

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

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Why do I feel like Its just the perfect timing for Smart to release such a good SMS bucket? Its when people  need money the most because school just started and stuff and I hope that they retain this promo either for good until they come up with another good deal or they have this for a long time. This can surely help A LOT of Filipinos save money.

50 for 7 days? Thats just seven pesos a day! Smart Big Unli Text 50! 
Send "Text50" to 6406 to register for non-stop text for 7 days! So far, its available from June 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013. Subject to extension.

Check out the video:

You can also pair that up with Big Calls 100! This offer is just for Smart & Talk N Text though. But 200 minutes for just P100? If you use all that up, thats a savings of at least P500 pesos or more!

To call, subscribers must dial *2827 before the 11-digit Smart/ TNT Mobile number. Ex.*282709181234567

Just send "CALL100" to 6406. Promo available from June 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013. Subject to extension.

More info?

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Todays Weird Question

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

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Imagine a rectangular base about two feet by two feet by two inches thick.  I would like to attach a metal bracket at each corner -- held in place by tension.  The metal bracket would be essentially a corner that fits on to the bottom of each corner of the base.  I could certainly make these corners by bending aluminum or steel, then using a small screw to hold them together.  But I suspect that someone already makes something like this: a corner of metal perhaps an inch high or so.  Any suggestions on what it might be called?

UPDATE: A reader pointed me to this: a corner brace that is very nearly a perfect match for what I want.  I will still need to screw a block to the bottom for mounting the casters, but this is a big step up from having to make it myself.
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Windy Wilson Please Email Me

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

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I need a little more help from you.
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Ohio Kidnapper Commits Suicide

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From September 4, 2013 USA Today:
Ariel Castro, who was sentenced to life in prison last month for abducting and sexually abusing three young women in his Cleveland home, hanged himself in his cell Tuesday night, according to preliminary results of an autopsy performed early Wednesday.
The guy was a monster, but for some reason, I cant feel any glee or joy about this.
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A Typical Morning

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

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Eyes open, the windscreen glowing, sweats beading over my nose, head pounding. Ugh. I slept late. It must be ten, and the car is an oven. Quick now, into my clothes. Try not to make the car sway too much. Last thing I need is some confused passerby. Listen and look for a quiet moment outside. Open the door and shimmy on out under the cover, and damn, three people saw me. Well, maybe they arent residents. Better park somewhere else tonight.

Now untie the cover and fold it up. Pack it in the back and Im on my way. The local supermarket is the next stop and a wholesome meal for under three bucks. A bread roll, a piece of fruit, pint of chocolate milk, and a couple of fried chicken legs. Other times a quarter pound of deli roast beef, sliced thin, and maybe one of those single string cheeses for another thirty five cents. Later in the day I may get a snack at an ethnic store. Which one? It matters little. Every ethnic group serves up a great deal on food most enjoyed by its clientelle. At a Persian store Ill buy sweets or dates, olive oil or pastry. At a Mexican market, in season fruit, beautiful tamales, pan (bread), and maybe chocolates. An Asian store will likely serve up a nice veggie handroll of sweet rice and cucumber and pickled something wrapped in seaweed. Theres so much food in Los Angeles you dont need to eat the same thing twice in a month, and you can still live on ten bucks a day.

Drop by the dry cleaners and pick up a few shirts. Stop at Goodwill to see if there are some dressy shoes for a couple of bucks.

Now over to the fitness club to shave and shower and get presentable. Ill drop by my temp agencies a little later. Always good to glad hand. By noon I am in shirt and tie, and I am making the rounds for some work.

Sound impossible? Or does it sound as simple to you as it seemed to me?
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Talking Visayan Bangus

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

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Theres this video spreading on Youtube about a talking milk fish. Locally, it is known as "Bangus". The live news turned rescue of the fish by the reporter was done in good faith, because the Bangus named Johnny Sarangani was asking for help, to save him from the dirty waters of a certain pond.

It is said that the best bangus comes from Sarangani Bay. Watch the video:

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Landscape Paging

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

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This is a sample landscape paging system written by Shargot for his MMORPG.

Language: C#
File Type: Visual Studio 2008 solution
File Size: 19.7 MB
Download (MediaFire)

Author: Shargot
Additional Links: TV3D Forum Topic
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ProgressBar Visual Basic VB net Detailed Tutorial

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

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Hello and welcome to another tutorial on Today in this tutorial i will be teaching u all how to use the progressbar component in visual basic 2005, 2008, 2010.

2 ProgressBar - ProgressBar1, ProgressBar2
1 Label - Label1
4 Buttons (|<<,<<,>>,>>|)


Public Class Form1

Dim myprogress As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ProgressBar1.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee
ProgressBar2.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous
ProgressBar2.Step = 1
Timer1.Enabled = True
ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0
ProgressBar1.Maximum = 100
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
If ProgressBar1.Value <>
ProgressBar1.Value += 5
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If ProgressBar1.Value > 0 Then
ProgressBar1.Value -= 5
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
ProgressBar1.Value = 100
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_MouseWheel(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseWheel
If e.Delta > -1 Then
If ProgressBar1.Value <>
ProgressBar1.Value += 5
End If
If ProgressBar1.Value > 0 Then
ProgressBar1.Value -= 5
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
ProgressBar2.Value = myprogress
If myprogress < myprogress =" myprogress">
Label1.Text = "Installing = " & myprogress & "%"
If myprogress = 100 Then
Label1.Text = "Complete"
ProgressBar1.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
End Class

Here is the video tutorial:

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Those Bins

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

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Those bins were a hot topic when I posted pictures of my apartment. I stand by my belief that the most effective form of childproofing is by teaching boundaries. No one is going to change my mind on this. This is how I was raised, my husband was raised, nearly everyone everywhere has been raised, and most of us have lived to tell the story.

That said, that is not the point of this post. Here were some suggestions to my "problem bins."

#1) Move them to a basement, relatives home or storage unit.

Those bins were accessed frequently. I have a three month old, 16 month old and 3.5 year old. None of them fit exactly into standard sizes. I am swapping clothes in and out of those bins as needed.

#2) Get rid of some clothes.

I have about two weeks of summer outfits and two weeks of winter outfits for each size, with some clothes overlapping, so that suggestion didnt make any sense. However, each bin was only about a third filled, some less.

I used these bins because they were practical. We had them from moving and they fit in the space. However, I have since picked up some old milk crates from a yard sale. I had to do some rearranging elsewhere to free up the crates, but the contents of each container fits perfectly, some with plenty of space to fit the clothes that are currently in my kids wardrobe. I put a curtain over it, as the milk crates were an assortment of colors. I like the new storage solution.

Lesson Learned: Have containers that fit what you need.

(I feel silly for wasting that much space that whole time.)
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KFC Tower Burger is BIG!

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

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It's been months since I went to dine in KFC because we usually have it delivered their famous and our favorite bucket meal to us. What remained to be my favorite throughout the years is their coleslaw! Yum, right?

Before ordering our usual, I saw this attention-grabbing burger from a fellow customer. Ahh, so i figured that it was the burger they are calling KFC Tower Burger!

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Do Nothing

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

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There will likely be moments, long dismal moments, when everything seems empty, when all possibility seems to have vanished, and when your deepest desire is to simply vanish. The feeling, if it is truly profound, is one of hollowness. It is worse than melancholy. It is the essence of powerlessness, and this is the feeling inspired by true, clinical, depression. This is the backbone of suicide, and people can be brought to it by long hours of self criticism, blame, hunger, cold, and sadness.

If you get to this terrible country, first, do nothing. You think that the feeling will persist forever. It wont. It cant. Before you know it you get an idea, and that gets you thinking about something else, and then you think of something youd like to try. Oh, you may sink back into the empty spot, but the worst part about being there is the feeling that it will go on forever. Once you know it goes away, it gets a little easier to take.

When the hours ache and linger, when the mind is poisoned with hurt, when the night is very cold and very dark, and when you can think of no where to turn, do nothing. Change will come.

Until it does, take a hot shower, and use some deodorant. Depression causes us to release all kinds of stinky pheromones.
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Grammar Spelling F cking Lesson

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

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Found this on my sister’s Facebook page. Awesome and dead f-cking accurate Smile

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Long Term Capital Gains Rates Are Still Lower Than Ordinary Income!

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

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Well, at least for me and most of my readers.  I somehow thought the Obamanation of Desolation had managed to get the lower long-term capital gain tax rates back up to the standard income tax rates, but it turns out that long-term capital gain tax rates are still 15% for most of us, and qualified dividends are at that same rate.
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Travel Insurance Essentials

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Travel insurance is one of those essentials when you're going away that's right up there with passport, tickets and suitcases. Even though it's not a legal requirement, holiday insurance is absolutely vital for anyone who doesn't want to fork out a small fortune should things go wrong.

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The Leidenfrost Effect

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

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In the 1700s, a man named Leidenfrost discovered that at a certain temperature above the boiling point of water, drops of water stopped evaporating quickly and started bouncing around and evaporating really slowly.

I’m not sure when this effect was discovered, but if you drop water onto a sawtoothed texture, the water will move in the direction opposite the teeth … very cool!

I got this link from Petra, one of my Dutch friends …

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This Is Becoming So Boringly Common Obamacare Cheerleader Disappointed That She Cant Afford Coverage Under It

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

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This from the January 2, 2014 CBS Seattle:
One Oregon mother says that she is unable to afford health insurance for her and her 18-month-old son because it’s too expensive.
Kate Holly, 33, tells KOIN-TV that she originally championed President Barack Obama’s signature health care law because she thought it would help people in her situation.
“I’ve been a cheerleader for the Affordable Care Act since I heard about it and I assumed that it was designed for people in my situation,” Holly, a freelance yoga instructor, told KOIN. “I was planning on using the Affordable Care Act and I had done the online calculator in advance to make sure I was going to be able to afford it.”
Holly’s husband works for a non-profit organization that pays for his health care, but the couple is unable to afford to have her and their son covered under his plan. And she’s been told their combined income is too much to qualify for a subsidized health care plan under Cover Oregon.
This is what you get for ignoring adult warnings that there is no free lunch.  The Hollys must make reasonably good money, because two adults in Idaho still get a substantial subsidy at $62,000 per year.  I would expect with a child in  Oregon, the number would be quite a bit higher.

There are people with very low incomes who have a strong claim on our sympathies for their inability to afford health insurance (especially now that the Unaffordable Care Act has made it even more expensive than it used to be).  But this does not seem to be one of them.

I do wonder how much of the unaffordability problem is related to consumer purchasing habits.  I look at the cost of smart phone data plans, and how many young people seem to think that having a plain old cell phone is just not possible -- and I wonder how much of the "we need governmental help for health insurance even though we are in the high end of the five figure annual house income range" is really, "We like nice things, and think that stuff we really dont care that much about should be subsidized."  I worked with someone some years ago who insisted that the government needed to provide health insurance because it was too expensive -- but he drove a nearly new Audi A8.  These arent cheap.

UPDATE: A reader points out that the story missed something rather important: if you have access to group health insurance through a spouse, you are not eligible for the exchanges.  The complaint is that the insurance through her husbands employer was too expensive.  Well, yes, but the Unaffordable Care Act was not supposed to solve that problem, and actually made it worse, by mandating various coverages that were not there before.
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MiLi Power Star Quick Review

Senin, 10 Februari 2014

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MiLi Power Star
I've reviewed a number of MiLi products already and just this week, I got sent another kind of MiLi portable battery.

MiLi Power Star is small in built but packs a good 2000mAh of power. Depending on your mobile phone battery, it can probably charge your device a little bit over than 1 full charge. This is the external battery pack I will recommend people with devices that has micro USB to buy. No more wire clutters because the micro USB is already built-in. No need to lug around a set of cables.

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Delicious Taiwanese Snack Place in Manila Pao Pao Xiao Chi

Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

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Pao Pao's Candy Colored Facade
One lazy Saturday morning, the kind of Saturday where you just want to relax, eat and unwind, we were invited to try out one of the most famous snack places for Xaverians/ Icans and now, for Judenites too! (..and soon, the entire Metro Manila maybe?)  Located in Barangay Little Baguio in San Juan City (Gen De Jesus corner Gen Lim Street), a candy colored place will welcome you into their cozy restaurant -- Pao Pao Xiao Chi.
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Vaadin Spring

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014

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Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

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Someone gotta make something like this with Nicholas Bishops Skin Modifier, right?

Anyways, the original mocap dance performance was done by Japanese Pop Group "Perfume".
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Curve in Blender is a Mystery! How to turn Curve into Solid Pipe or Tube

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

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Alright, today I wanted to talk and discuss a little bit about Curve in Blender.

Recently I have been using Grease Pencil and converting the Grease Pencil into Curve object. This workflow is very useful and many times we would like to turn Curve into some kind of Solid Pipe or Tube looking object for rendering. If you read my previous blog post, you have probably seen few different ways I would do that, whether:
1. I use Bevel and other curve (Circle) to sort of Loft the shape.
2. I use Extrude and Solidify Modifier.

Apparently, Curve in Blender has something more to it! It actually has hidden built in Tube/Pipe like maker. I just found out about it today. Let me just show you with an example.

Ok, as you all may already know, we could create controlled Curve either by:
a. Drawing with Grease Pencil and turning it into Curve
b. Drawing the Curve using Poly (extruding points) and then convert it into Curve.
(I will probably make video tutorial to just demo this.)

Anyhow, try drawing a Curve yourself, so you have something like this on the scene, a curve:

We got curve. Now we like to turn this into tube like object, and this is todays finding that kind of surprising. Take a look at Curve property on the Curve data panel on the side:

Focus on tab Shape and Geometry.

With Shape Fill checked for both Front and Back, increase the value of Geometry Bevel Depth to higher number than zero. You get something like this that resembles slides:

That is interesting. But here is another more interesting thing. Uncheck the Shape Fill for both Front and Back, you get something like this:

Its like a very low poly tube now (remember it is still Curve object). But very ugly with those random twisting happening. I have no idea why. But if you notice there is this 2D and 3D tab option, you can actually switch from 2D to 3D, and this will amazingly fix the twisting problems:

Cool solid 3D tube.
NOTE: At this stage, do not select 2D option or it will turn it into flat curve to the ground plane.

It does not stop here, because there is actually something interesting with this Curve. If you hit TAB and go to Edit Mode. Select a point or some points, and then press Alt+S (this is actually Shrink/Fatten option, UPDATE: at some point they suddenly called this Scale Feather), and do something like scaling, you could actually control the parameter of how this Curve turns into pipe! Instead of having all same size of pipe, you could have different size at any point, thinner or fatter. Something like below:

And you could also increase the resolution of this resulting Tube/Pipe by increasing Bevel Resolution. Try all the different options parameter under Curve Data and see what else you could find.

Now, like previous blog article, at this stage you could now add Build Modifier and see things grow. Very interesting and useful.

One more thing that I found:
If you are using this Curve dynamically as Force: Curve Guide for Particles, the way you have adjusted each point (to be fatter or thinner), will also affect how Particles would behave when following and traveling along this Curve. This is in fact an option that you could turn on and off, called Radius, inside Path Animation tab for each Curve. This has to be turned on if you like Particles to follow the Curve Guide force. The programmer/developer of Blender must have though about this. Not sure if they are actually documented. Maybe they do, but with Blender, often you accidentally found things like this by looking at other people video tutorials on the web.

So... there are apparently a lot about Curve that maybe we have not touched yet. Most 3D artist these days work with Poly anyway, but it is good to know something like this, can be very beneficial when modeling or certain effects.

I must do a video tutorial to show all this to make it clear. In the meantime, feel free to try it yourself :)

Below is the original video tutorial (in Russian) that is kind of showing the whole thing, I cannot understand Russian, so I am kind of guessing by following the whole tutorial, but it opens my eyes a bit more:

UPDATE 2011.11.30:
In Blender 2.6x and up, Curve object has been updated so you could now easily turn curve into a solid pipe, by just selecting one of the dropdown options:

Even easier, save lots of steps and times.

UPDATE 2012.02.08:
Even better, cap option is also added for Bevel.
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DESIGN Redefining 3D Typography and designing 3D Type in Blender PART ONE

Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

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I was reading some books in the library the other day and stumbled upon this 2011 publication titled "The 3D Type"

That book is really worth reading and I absolutely recommend it. It is full of great 3D typography examples that you may have or have not imagined, for examples:

  • Alphabet made by juxtapositions of book on the shelf
  • Alphabet made by balloon.
  • Alphabet made by hair.
  • Alphabet made by arrangement of cup on a gate
  • Alphabet made by ink.
  • Alphabet projected on 3D environment
  • Alphabet of found stones that are shaped like one
  • Alphabet created by clever arrangement of sandwich
  • Alphabet created by melted cheese
  • And so on...

So, what is really 3D TYPOGRAPHY? In my own words, 3D typography is an arrangement and composition of text/alphabet in 3D space that we considered aesthetically beautiful, when properly designed can give extra impact to the message.

The typeface (the type of font) that is chosen can also influence the final look of typography design. True for 2D typography, even more in 3D typography, thus we have 3D TYPE topic.

Combine both 3D TYPE and 3D TYPOGRAPHY, then you have this huge design topic to explore. This is where you think FONT as character.

What would that topic has anything to do with Blender? Blender is actually a perfect tool for conceptualizing 3D TYPE design and TYPOGRAPHY arrangement in 3D.

Blender Text Object is pretty good starter. There is a limitation  in term of control if you want to the details such as kerning, etc. It is not so important if your text is for TITLE/HEADING. You will not be doing novel inside Blender anyway. Surely, it could be interesting to think how to setup 3D TYPOGRAPHY for motion graphics animation, like how After Effects or MoGraph. Save that for later.

Alternative to Blender Text Object, we can always use NodeBox2 to prepare the Text Shape as Curves to pass on to Blender. This is perfectly recommended. NodeBox2 allows curve resampling and some easy 2D procedural curves.

Like great examples shown on that book (shown at a glance on the video above), you can actually re-create most of them in CG.

Okey, purist artists might prefer to have a hands on 3D TYPE such as those made of grass or balloon, etc, that is all fine and dandy. Surely there are a lot more unexplored 3D TYPE concepts that are only possible to be done in CG, or at least create proof of concept, and maybe do 3D print. --- 3D print will get cheaper, so take notice! Home 3D printer is in my wishlist.

I remember some years ago, one of my college major projects was also to create 3D TYPE, Alphabet Set that is totally creative, made by juxtaposition of real everyday objects and to serve a purpose (for example: if the alphabet design is for furniture company, then you maybe design the alphabet using furniture). My design was this alphabet set created from liquid. Back then, we dont have Blender :) I created all the works using Photoshop. I kind of fake the liquid using halftone effect. This liquid text can be made a lot better if I were to do it again today.

So, lets think further about 3D type and typography together. 3D type in term of the design of the type (it should still readable as alphabet) and typography in term of the composition you will be creating.

Often time maybe we may just think: start with a Text object, choose a beautiful font, then extrude it and put it in 3D space, such as below:

Boring 3D type with perspective camera.

How about like this, set the camera to Ortographic and re-render with just ambient occlusion. Notice how "ortographic camera" can be quite neat. Try rendering your scene this way.

Very design-ish, but still boring.

These are very basic and will serve its purpose, sometimes you dont need any more than this. You could play around with the Bevel Object to create additional details. Similar to what you see at old signage design nicely carved edge and framed.

This beveled 3D TYPE alone, if you like to do further research and exploration can be interesting to study and explore.

  1. Create a Text Object, hit TAB and change the text to your liking, keep it one word for now.
  2. Under Text Object - Object Data panel, input Bevel Object with curve object.
    NOTE: Be careful here, if your Bevel Object curve is too big, you might get an unwanted result. You basically just need to rescale the curve you use as Bevel Object, and revoke the Bevel Object again. This does not refresh automatically, unfortunately, maybe they can change this in the future version of Blender. Maybe its the way for text object to cook off the object and save memory.
  3. For Bevel Object, an open curve and a close curve profile will give you different result.

Without bevel edge, we get this more modern type (actually more boring, but simple, hence modern) tend to have this simple smoother plastic/metal-ish edge.

You could then continue then by adjusting other parameters such as:

COLOR: (notice that multiple materials on a single live Blender Text Object is possible)
Good thing being Text Object is that things are still easily editable. I try to always keep Text Object as is.
When you are in Text Object edit mode, you can easily assign multiple materials.

If I am correct, Blender Internal Render has little issue rendering Text Object with Ambient Occlussion, the solution is to convert it to normal Poly object and re-render. Alternatively, Blender Cycles render Text Object without any issue.

MATERIAL: (or surface property)
Blender Cycles is cool at creating this raytrace material: Chrome, Glass, but I think Blender Internal Render with Subsurface Scattering is still better at giving plastic/skin natural realistic look, similar to RenderMan.


Node based procedural texture in Blender is rarely noticed. Seriously they are fantastic, even better on Cycles because of the realtime preview. Separate tutorial needed to just explore the possibilities of material created with those procedural textures. Take notice of FAC attribute and MIX node, they are important.
SHADER (combination of color, texture, material, displacement) can play important job because it turns 3D TYPE into objects that have physical belivability.

Anything else I have not touched here? I think thats all the basic of what typically we do when doing 3D TYPE. Dont get me wrong, as designers, you can get really creative treating your 3D with just all above basic elements.

But of thats all about what we can do with 3D TYPE, it is still BORING, dont you think? I think so.

For more inspirations and research study, take a look some examples of 3D TYPE on famous movie posters. Some of them are interesting, some are a little bit boring. For these examples, I will borrow some images from Google Images Search, I dont think anyone would mind:

Movie Poster Title Examples
Dressed up movie title like Happy Feet Two is quite cute. Beautifully textured Kungfu Panda 2. Perhaps the Shrek Title also can be inspiration. Usually good 3D TYPE is easily recognizeable, even a single letter can tell you thats from which movie, for example The Matrix.

How can we take 3D TYPE into the next level? I will take you to explore this in the next article post.

  1. DISTORTED TYPE (Particles, Displace Modifier)
  2. SMOKE TYPE (Particles Fluid)
  3. LIQUID TYPE (Volume Polygonizer)
  4. FURRY TYPE (Hair)
  5. BLOBBY TYPE (Particles)
  6. ABSTRACT TYPE (Particles)
  7. PROCEDURAL TYPE (Particles)
  9. ETC

Take a look at this awesome inspiration:

Hopefully this intro article on 3D TYPE can be useful for you, Try to take 3D TYPE further so that each text is totally unique and like a character in your scene!

Check this video for extra 3D typography inspiration:

"Arkitypo: letter rotations" by Johnson Banks

UPDATE 2013.03.03:
More 3D typography and lettering inspiration:

UPDATE 2013.03.09:
Motion Graphic Designer must love to see this: Sagmeister & Walsh Interview
Its quite fun to see how those 2 designers worked really hard to create 3D type in real life. There is an art in itself of course. Their idea and execution is very clever.

Our job as 3D artist is probably to observe and think how to recreate the 3D type more efficiently in 3D, or maybe what can we create in 3D that cannot be replicated in real life?
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Part 4 Introduction to HTML In Urdu HTML Lists

Senin, 03 Februari 2014

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Why Do High Sample Rates Sound Better

Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

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Guest post by Rupert Pfaff

Human hearing is generally defined as extending from 20Hz to 20kHz, and the Nyquist criteria states that a sampling rate of at least double the highest audio frequency must be used in order to accurately to represent the signal. An unwanted side-effect of analogue to digital conversion is aliasing, where musically unrelated signal noise enters the audio band, so an anti-aliasing filter is used to prevent this, but because it is not possible to implement an infinitely steep filter, a slightly higher sample rate is used than is theoretically necessary. This is how the CD standard of 44.1kHz came about (a little more than double 20kHz), and DAT took this up to 48kHz to allow varispeed recording.

Set audio sample rate in WavePad audio editing software So if we cant hear above 20kHz, why record at very high sample rates such as 96kHz or even 192kHz? Some have suggested that although we dont actually hear supersonic frequencies, we somehow perceive them by another means, but experiments that artificially add and remove these frequencies have shown this not to be the case. But golden eared tests which have made A/B comparisons of the same equipment operating at standard and high sample rates have revealed that 96kHz & 192kHz recordings do sound subjectively better - so whats going on?

The answer lies primarily with the anti-aliasing filters - even the best designed filters produce a certain amount of ripple that extends downwards from the cut-off point and gradually tails off, and this is perceived as a smearing of high frequencies and the stereo image. But by moving the cutoff point way up (say to 96kHz), the ripple has all but disappeared by the time it gets down to audio frequencies, and hence, substantially improved sound quality. Importantly though, it follows that this improvement is maintained even after the sample rate has been converted down to normal rates, as no new A/D conversion is required, and therefore, no anti-aliasing filter.

Experienced Recording Studio Engineer Guidelines
In the early days of high sample rate recording, there was a preference for using multiples of the CD frequency (44.1kHz), i.e. 88.2kHz or 176.4Hz - this was because sample rate conversion was a very difficult thing to do at the time, and better quality could be achieved when converting down to 44.1kHz by using an integer multiple. However this is no longer the case, and our usual preferred rate for acoustic recording is 96kHz for a variety of reasons:
  • 96kHz is the native frequency of many DVD audio releases
  • Although 192kHz does sound a little better than 96kHz, the improvement is marginal
  • Some plug-ins do not handle 192kHz audio
  • Processing power is reduced to roughly a quarter of that available at 48kHz
That said, if you are working very largely with virtual instruments that have mostly only been sampled at 44.1kHz, and/or you like to use a lot of tracks and processing, it may be more sensible to stick to 44.1kHz. Or if youre making a small classical or jazz recording, you may only need a few tracks and little processing, and want to eke out every last bit of quality you can, then go for 192kHz - let your music make the decision for you.

Rupert Pfaff has worked in the music industry for over 20 years having operated a well known music shop in London before becoming a sound engineer and technical authority for mixing and mastering. Now involved with the day to day running and managing the online bookings for RecordingStudioLondon.
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Do the Splits and See Where Your Money is Going

Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

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Managing your personal finances is much easier when you know exactly where your money is coming from and where its going. MoneyLine Personal Finance Software helps you track your cash flow quickly and easily.

split transaction to see where your money goes with MoneyLine personal finance software One of the easiest ways to see whats happening with your money is to use the split transaction feature in MoneyLine. For example, lets say you go to a store like Target or Walmart to buy groceries. Along with your groceries you stop off in the automotive section to pick up a couple of quarts of oil, then stop by the clothing section to pick up a few pairs of socks, and finally drop by the toy aisle to buy a birthday gift for a young relative.

Once youre home and have put away the groceries and the other items you bought, enter the purchase in MoneyLine. You can either record the total amount of the transaction and stop there, or take a few extra seconds and split the transaction into different categories. After entering the total amount spent at the store, break down exactly how much money you spent on food and allocate that to the Groceries category. Record the amount spent for the motor oil to Auto, put the socks under Clothing and finally the toy can go under Gifts.

You can even add subcategories to track things in still finer detail. For example, if you have two cars, you could make a subcategory for each vehicle underneath Auto expenses.

Over time, as you continue to categorize and split transactions you will have a better picture of exactly where you are spending your money. This helps when you are trying to create or stick to a budget—another feature of MoneyLine. You may find areas where you can cut back, or maybe you will find a few extra dollars that you can use for vacation and entertainment expenses—thats when keeping track of your money becomes fun.

Keeping track of your personal finances can be a chore, but with MoneyLine Personal Finance Software youll find that its actually a lot quicker than you may have feared.
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PROCEDURAL Dynamic Paint Stamping using PyDrivers

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"B in Pink & Purple" (2013)
Painted at local Library in one afternoon using Blender.
Driving one object using another object in 3D is an interesting area to explore and study in Computer Graphics (CG) in general. Although I have not yet explored everything about how to "hook" and "trigger" one value over another value in Blender, but this one area I continuously study and hoping to master one day.

One big reason why I kept at it is probably because of my interest in Real-Time interaction, Open-CV, proceduralism and those kind of stuffs. It is deeper than I thought. It involves a bit of Math too sometimes.

These are some of key features of Blender that I think has interesting potential to create driver-driven relationship:
  • Manually keyframed or procedural animation (changing time over value)
  • Object Constraint
  • Bone Constraint
  • Drivers
  • PyDrivers (PyExpression?)
  • PyHandlers (event trigger)
  • Blender Game Engine
PyDrivers and PyHandlers are two most interesting topics in my mind at the moment. I only found out and understand a little bit about. I am hoping that I could understand more about it by actually writing and do something with it.

INSPIRATION: Light and Time / The Visual Art of Brian Eno

As a starter, have a watch at this video about Brian Eno and his philosophy in creating his art.

I quoted some of his talks:

"Design the system, but you let the sytem take over and make it for you. And of course it will make it infinitely. Thats what I like. I dont go for scale, I go for length. I just want thing that can go on forever..."  
 - Brian Eno

"You can specify a starting point,
you surrender to the thing growing in its own way"
 - Brian Eno

For me and perhaps most of you, Visual Artists, what is even more interesting that changing value or driving value over another is to be able to SEE, TRACE, CAPTURE and VISUALIZE the result of the ever changing driven values on screen. From when it starts, until the end. Or maybe there is no end. Hopefully in real time, but at least we could preserve that beautiful ZEN moment in pixel.

This started to sound like a geeky philosophy. Lets stop talking and get some blending happens.


"Untitled RED" (2013)
"Untitled Random RGB" (2013)

Although the concept is not totally new, but I figure out that if marriage the idea of "capturing an ever changing value" with Blender Dynamic Paint, we can create some interesting original artworks.

Dynamic Paint is special because this feature in Blender captures / leaves a Brush mark on a Canvas and add more to it. It accumulates and adds more pixels without using too much of computer RAM.

While a huge amount of Poly Counts and Particles will crash any 3D package or render it impossible. If we use the "stamping idea" and accumulate the pixel, we can just keep going and going forever.

Kind of like how 2D Computer Graphics Art actually works, but Dynamic Paint is still happening in 3D environment, so it is very cool.


Imagine artworks created by stamping shapes of different size, color, position, rotation. Those the basics, and more.



Before we get into the actual stamping art creation. We will cover a bit of technicality first.

Also read this "Dynamic Paint Guide" by Miika first before continuing so you have better idea about it:

In actuality DYNAMIC PAINT is not technical at all. I am sure you have read and watched some tutorials about Dynamic Paint. You simply specify any 3D Mesh as BRUSH and CANVAS and bake the result as Images. The BRUSH can be manually keyframed and animated.

As you explore Dynamic Paint further, you will find that there are flexibility of type of BRUSH in relation to CANVAS.
However, we can take the idea further and more procedural. This is when thing can be a little bit technical. But do not worry about it, I will take you through every step.

STEP ONE: Prepare Canvas and Brush
Start with a simple Blender default Cube (this will be our BRUSH).

Create poly plane CANVAS of size 10 x 10 units. It can be any size as long it is Square but position  the canvas like below, when we are looking at it from Top View.

Do UV unwrap on this CANVAS mesh, this to ensure it will have a nice layout for image baking later.

I want to simplify it like this for now. Imagine 2D Cartesian graph with only positive X and Y axis.

Work in 2D Top View only, for now.
STEP TWO: Randomize POSITION of the Brush
How would you like to randomize the position of the Cube (brush)? Since we will not be doing manual keyframing, we need some kind of Drivers. For this purpose, I am going to start using PyDrivers. Keep in mind that I am still new to this PyDrivers.

Watch this video again, this is my starting point of understanding this:
David Miller "Variations"

I write the PyDrivers like below. The name of script need to end with *.py, then I make sure the "Register" checkbox enabled so that Blender will auto-load the script whenever the Blend file is re-opened. It will work like Blender Module to ensure all the setup works as it is without you having to re-run and refresh the dependency manually.


import bpy
import random as random

def randPos(min=0, max=1, seed=0):
    val = random.uniform(min, max)
    return val[randPos] = randPos

Above is one example Python script on how we can create a PyDrivers expression that can be plugged into POSITION values of our BRUSH.

How do we apply it? Inside Blender Drivers panel. Just simply plonk the name of the Function you created in script editor to generate random position value into the Scripted Expression.

The above PYDRIVER is more restricted and will generate a more predictable pseudo random numbers that CAN be repeated. The SEED value is the value that can be changed to get variations.

You can also do it like below if you want to have totally random unpredictable result that CANNOT be repeated, able to move and reposition the brush in 3D.

def randVal(min=0, max=1):
    val = random.uniform(min, max)
    return val[randVal] = randVal

I decided that I will try all the possible variations that I could think of at the moment:

import bpy
import random as random

frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
seed = 123

def randPos(min=0, max=1, seed=seed):
    val = random.uniform(min, max)
    return val

def randValS(min=0, max=1):
    val = random.uniform(min, max)
    return val

def randVal(min=0, max=1):
    val = random.uniform(min, max)
    return val[randPos] = randPos[randVal] = randVal[randValS] = randValS

# The randPos() there is probably not a good naming
# because after all we can simply reuse the value
# randPos is more like the one where seed can be changed
# on the fly, maybe with FRAME

You can use the one without seed value for now, just for simplicity. Just keep in mind that if you actually want the "same" and more predictable result of pattern, you want to have SEED in it.

The one without SEED has the most freedom and most unpredictable (maybe that is what you want), the RANDOM POSITION will get updated whenever we scrub the frame in the timeline or when we make changes in values or when we attempt to move the BRUSH in 3D View.

I suggest the one with SEED value but with FRAME to trigger the changes and make variations.

However, if you want to be totally Zen, and dont care about the previous frame and what comes and just be surprised with the outcome, simply use any random value as you please without any restriction.

FINAL STEP: Paint and Bake using Dynamic Paint
Now, after we now we a setup of BRUSH Cube that updates and reposition itself automatically, we can run the Dynamic Paint simulation and visualize the changes.

If you want a real time result, you can do that by using Vertex Color Painting. If you want a result that is more precise, non-real time and can be saved, you use Paint and Bake Image Sequences.

With Image Sequences, the final result will be sequence of images outside Blender that is in 1:1 Ratio Square format. While with Vertex Color Painting, we have more freedom of the Canvas Size and Ratio.

Increase the resolution of mesh to see a better presentation of Vertex Color Painting:

Here is a result after 250 frames. I reduced the OPACITY so that it is not 100% opaque.

With SPREAD activated. The color will bleed and blends to the nearby vertex.

That is basically the process. Simple, right?

What is interesting now is that we can EASILY apply all kind of variations, simply by reusing our PyDrivers.

DYNAMIC PAINT STAMPING: Random Position XY, Random Scale XY

DYNAMIC PAINT STAMPING: Random Position XY, Random proportional Scale XY 

DYNAMIC PAINT STAMPING:  Random Position XY, Random proportional Scale XY, Random Opacity

DYNAMIC PAINT STAMPING:  Random Position XY, Random proportional Scale XY, Random Opacity, Random RGB Color (based on Material)

"RGB Softsquare"

DYNAMIC PAINT STAMPING:  Random Position XY, Random Rotation Z, Random Color, Random Opacity. 

With Rotation, make sure you use math.pi in expression (PI = 180 degree). Blender rotation expression works in Radian.

  • randVal(-pi, pi)
  • randVal(-math.pi, math.pi)

Sharp RGB Lines (2013).
DYNAMIC PAINT STAMPING:  Random Position XY, Random Rotation Z, Random RG Color, Random Opacity, Variations in Wetness.

Blurred Lines (2013).
RGB Blurred Lines (2013).
Are we tried of Square and Lines yet? Lets try 3D Sphere. Simple replace the Mesh data with Sphere.
Wet Spheres (2013)
Endless RGB Fountain (2013).
How about Suzanne?

Rocking Suzanne (2013).
Tears of Water Dragon (2013)

Did I tell you that RGB color is a little "ugly"? Then we need a more controlled Color for the BRUSH. Either using HSV or just use Kuler. Below, I use 4 x Brush, each with different color.


Now, we can started to see:
  • What actually works? What does not work?
  • What looks beautiful and appealing to the eyes and what not?
  • How much range of color do we need?
  • Less is more? More is more?
  • Does random always work? Or less random?
  • Which shape pattern is nicer to the eyes?

Remember there is a big difference between the Real Time VS the Final Image Sequence if you actually bake the result.


Baked PAINT.

The CANVAS and BRUSH are 3D, just in case you forgot about it. I often forgot actually.

UV is Flat. But 3D is 3D.

Vivid Expressionista de Suzanne (2013).
I do not know yet the final result I could get from this. Maybe you try it yourself and send me some of your artworks. Have fun~ Think of title of your Painting as well :)


Do you know that Dynamic Paint BRUSH also respect Material UV Texture? I actually just found out today while experimenting and consulting about Dynamic Paint with Miika.

What does this mean for us? This means awesomeness. By using TEXTURE to procedurally paint, we can really easily produce all kind of abstract interesting Procedural Dynamic Paint Arts.


Originally this is a photograph of B&W abstract light/shadow at night.

Using sequence of photographs that I took at Sydney Vivid Festival. Stamping applied using Icosphere.

Here, I am using Blender Sapling (Procedural Tree Add-On) as a Brush and some random photograph of autumn leaves to just randomly paint the Canvas. The result is something that is quite dynamic.

Texture Alpha for stamping actually works as well. Although I did struggle to get it work at first:

Read about Blender Image Alpha here:

Then we need to make it to work with Dynamic Paint. To be honest, this is not as straight forward as it may seem because I kept getting this weird result (when using PNG+Alpha as one file):

What is going on there, Alpha?
(Will update when I finally get it right and list all the steps....)

If you set everything correctly, you get the Stamping with Alpha Texture, which is less abstract and behave more like a stamp without edges. The Image Texture with Alpha in theory should just work just like Miikas official example on Dynamic Paint Guide where he did stamping using Blender logo and even paint with Smoke! Not sure how he did it at first, he is the Dynamic Paint Wizard.

UPDATE 20130609: 

Alpha is now behaving.
So, after some tweak, Alpha Texture is indeed working, you just need to set it up properly following the article post at Katsbits above. Most important is to ensure Alpha checkbox is ticked under Texture setting. You can use Alpha either by providing texture with built-in Alpha channel already or simply use other image as Alpha.

Lastly, ensure that you also point and specify the correct Material underneath DP Brush setting. All goes well, Alpha will work fine. No bug here, just need to set thing properly.

Layered Texture is apparently works together with Dynamic Paint and you can use Blenders own Procedural Texture and layer a complex texture, which is really amazing in my opinion.

What nice is that we are still controlling the objects in Object Level (animated manually or procedurally via scripting), but we sort of have access to all kind of Pixel Level-like stamping ability via Dynamic Paint.

Suddenly, I think to create "CONTAGION Bacteria Billboard" effect in CG seems possible and perhaps simpler to setup than I originally thought.

All made possible because of Dynamic Paint. Well, for Shader guru, you probably can create OSL or some Cycles Shader node network that does this CONTAGION effect. It should be a fun challenge. However, for Artist in general, the idea of creating Random Stamping is easier to understand.

Using Force to drive the Paint.
100 frames.

100 frames later.

700 frames.

1000 frames and continues....



I have not yet explored all the possibilities that can be achieved using BRUSH of Dynamic Paint.

I encourage you to really explore Dynamic Paint and use some knowledge of Drivers to Stamp texture to create your own interesting beautiful ART piece: 

I guarantee this post may grow overtime and you will discover some interesting feature of Dynamic Paint that you think impossible.

For example: Particle Instancer + Dynamic Paint, gives you direct access to Particle Instance Texture to stamp. I did not know that this was actually possible, until Miika pointed: as long Particle Instance Modifier is applied before Dynamic Paint, you can stamp the Instancer this way.

The setup.

Resulting Stamping from Particle Instance (via Modifier).


  • Particles Pointilism: can we use Python to tell Dynamic Paint to create rain of particle that reads a specific Image UV?
  • Procedural Animation using Python: Linear Interpolation, etc.
In the meantime, I have to study more PyDriver and PyHandler first.... there is just something about these two that seems magical.

Below is some of my readings for the next few days:

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