Sunset at Lumut

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Side Note:  I am currently away from my usual photo-work computer, and using an old dying laptop. There might be slight inconsistencies in brightness/contrast and colour balance.

I am currently away from Kuala Lumpur for the long weekend, spending time with my colleagues at Swiss Garden Resort in Lumut. So far, the activities lined up for the day have drained me off my biological batteries. For some unknown reasons, I did not feel like firing my shutter at all. I brought along only the Olympus PEN E-PL1 and the kit lens 14-42mm.

I only came back to my room with less than 10 photos, and only one I found usable. It was a sunset shot taken at the beach of the resort. Nothing fancy. I have seen better and more dramatic sunsets before. Nonetheless, it has been a long, long time since I last saw a sunset in the beach.

Nothing, but just an ordinary sunset at Lumut. Taken with E-PL1 and 14-42mm mk1.

I sure hope the days ahead would be more exciting than what we had today. I sure hope that I have better photography opportunities, or be able to find more inspirations and motivations to make that shutter click. Tomorrow, we will be having a half-day trip to Pangkor Island. Lets make sure I come back with more than 20 photos this time, that is not too hard to achieve, right?

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