Trust and Believing in Someone

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Greetings from Kuching !!

I am now in my beloved hometown, spending most of my time with my beloved mother. Just moments ago, we were watching one of the Smallvilles episodes in season 10. In that particular episode, the main theme was revolving around trust, faith and believing in someone.

Note: All photographs were taken with Olympus PEN E-PL1 and 14-42mm mk1 kit lens. Exposure and colour balance may be off, because I am away from my desk working computer.

Kolo Mee

Parked by the yellow window.
PINHOLE Art Filter

Whats that square fort thing again?
PINHOLE Art Filter

Recent events in life have driven me to the edge of my faith and trust in one friend that I have always believed in. I have not put as much faith, or had more respect and admiration other than this friend. It did not take much for that to crumble and fall. An unfortunate event happened, and I was downgraded from a friend to something worth less than a pile of garbage.

Watching that earlier episode of Smallville reminded me of why, and how I used to believe in someone. There were many meaningful quotes, daringly truthful I must say. Here are some of the highlights:

Scene 1: Clark was in conversation with Lois. They discussed about how Chloe left the group and Clark started to lost his trust in her. Lois was doing her best to convince Clark to open his eyes and to trust Chloe again.

Clark: I dont know Chloe anymore. I dont know whose side she is on. I dont know who she is working for.

Lois: Because she left?

Clark: Because she didnt say why.

Lois: I know that you know her more than anyone. She has always been there for you.

Clark: Maybe the history has blinded us from the truth. Chloe and I are on different paths. We do not know where she is headed.

Lois: And as much as you want to trust her, it is hard. Because she did not confide in you, maybe for the first time?

Clark: If Chloe really believed in us, she would have told us she was leaving and why.

Lois: All this time, this has been pestering you and you never said anything?

Clark: What am I supposed to say?

Lois: That it stinks? That its the hardest thing to trust someone enough to let them have their secrets? That you know they are doing it for a good reason? Trying to protect you?

Clark: I expected you and Chloe to know me well enough before you knew my secrets.

Lois: Yeah now its our turn to trust her. She has earned this Clark. Ok, everything in this world here is telling you that you should not trust her. And I can tell, your heart is seeing the opposite, and if I know one thing, is that Clark Kents heart is usually right.

Dried food
DIORAMA Art Filter

Sales on the five foot way.
PINHOLE Art Filter

Kuching waterfront.

Scene 2: Clark and Chloe had a talk after all the dramas were over, and there were a lot of hard truths being spilled out. Truths that are applicable in many real life situations that we face everyday.

Chloe: Clark, every Frankenstein has a human heart.

Clark: How did you do it? Trust me, I mean back then, before you found out?

Chloe: I had my suspicions.

Clark: But thats what I mean. You knew I was lying to you and still you look to me in the eye everyday, and you trusted me?

Chloe: I guess thats the true test in believing in someone. Knowing that their lies are there to protect you.

Chloe: It is NOT really trust if you ask someone to explain themselves.

Clark: But thats hard.

Chloe: Its really hard.

Clark: You never gave up.

Chloe: And I never will.

What really spoke through to me from that episode of Smallville, was the part how everyone believed, and continued to believed in each other, despite all the opposing circumstances. It just appalls me to see how a friend can give up so easily on someone, and lose faith so instantly.

I guess faith is too much to ask for these days.

Gosh I miss Smallville.

Any Smallville fans out there? Did you guys catch the finale? OMGGGGGGGG Superman theme as the closing for the 10 years run, such awesomeness !!! I am having Smallville withdrawal symptoms already.

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